Über uns KontaKt

Privacy and data protection

(Privacy and data protection revised on: 14/05/2018)

  1. General Information

MHB applies this privacy policy applies to all its Users’ personal information. MyHuntbook S.L. has several databases deposited with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The technical team at Myhuntbook S.L. also does everything possible to ensure security of the Social Network. Internet security is a complex area and no system can be considered 100% secure.

In the event of a security breach, Myhuntbook S.L. will endeavour to act as quickly as possible to resolve the problem. To ensure a higher level of protection of personal data saved in areas that are not under the control of Myhuntbook S.L., we suggest that you use software to protect data transfer networks (such as up-to-date antivirus systems, firewalls and anti-spam filters).

In accordance with the principle of transparency in matters involving data protection, Myhuntbook S.L. hereby informs you that processes and uses your personal information as necessary to use or improve the Social Network, to send you marketing messages or our newsletter, with your prior consent and when they have not objected to this, or when necessary or permissible by law or other regulations. Myhuntbook S.L. usually notifies Users and explains why when we collect data. If this is not the case, please notify us. The same applies to cookies, whose use is described in the Cookies’ Policy.

Myhuntbook S.L.'s server is housed at Centro de Datos de Interxion, in Madrid (Spain), which uses TLS 1.1 and 1.2 encryption. Information hosted by MHB is subject to MD5 Joomla encryption. The mail server is in the same Interxion’s CPD, a server different from the mail server. MHB uses Mailchimp to send news to its users.

  1. User rights

To exercise your rights, you may write to MyHuntbook S.L.’s registered address or send an email to the party responsible for processing: apu@mhb.social. You must attach a photocopy of your identity document or similar to your request to exercise your rights, which are specified below:

- Right to request access to your personal data.

- Right to request that your personal data be corrected (if incorrect) or deleted.

- Right to request restrictions on processing or to refuse permission to process your data, in which case you must state which of these actions you wish to take, otherwise this may mean that you will be unable to use MHB.

- Right to withdraw your consent at any time, and if it was given for some specific purpose, without affecting the legal use made of your data based on your consent before this was withdrawn.

You will find forms and other useful information about the rights mentioned above on the official page of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).

  1. Times when MyHuntbook S.L. gathers information about Users and our reasons for doing so.

MyHuntbook S.L. requires you to provide personal information when you register with MyHuntbook S.L. and on your hunt records. You must provide some of this information to gain access to the Social Network. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk or in some other manner.

The information you enter voluntarily in the profile during registration (for example, date of birth, age, gender, address, town, country, nationality, telephone...) is used for presenting you to the Social Network.

Even if you do not complete your registration, any data in MHB may be kept on file by Myhuntbook S.L.

  1. Type of information collected by Myhuntbook S.L.

The personal information that Myhuntbook S.L. gathers about you includes your name, date of birth, age, gender, address, province, town, country, nationality, telephone number...

Part of the information, comments or content (for example, photos, videos, profile) that you provide voluntarily at your own risk and may reveal private aspects such as you religion, sexual orientation, political preference, etc. You provide this data voluntarily and need not necessarily be a user of MHB. Therefore, MyHuntbook S.L. accepts no liability for gathering this data and will not process them, unless you use the Social Network illegally and we are legally obliged to use the information and/or it must be used to restore third-party rights. For more detailed information, see the User Information Management section below.

Finally, the Social Network may use cookies or equivalent technologies to store information which is primarily used to identify users browsing MHB and to understand how you use the website, mainly in order to improve MHB and your browsing experience. You, the user, can always prevent the use of cookies by changing your web browser settings. For more information, see the specific cookies policy.

  1. Persons with access to information about users.

The information collected about the Users by Myhuntbook S.L. is used to operate the Social Network. Every precaution has been taken by Myhuntbook S.L. to store the information in its databases in a secure environment. A small number of Myhuntbook S.L. employees is able to access Users’ information, and only when necessary and for use of the Social Network.

  1. Management of user information

Although only registered users are able to view the data, remember that you are operating in a public space and that you are therefore responsible for your own privacy. Therefore, you may control which of your data other Users are able to see. To do this, go to Profile - Privacy and adjust the settings to decide which items of personal information are public and private.

In addition, there are different options that allow you to control who can view your User profile and whether other Users can see that you are online.

Finally, you can control how many notifications and the kind of information you want to receive from MHB. Visit Profile - Privacy, where you can specify whether you want to receive notifications when you receive a message or when another User visits your profile. If you terminate your profile, your data will not be erased for seven (7) calendar days, after which time your account will be disabled. You will be able to access your profile again for the next seven (7) days.

You may access or request access to your own personal data in order to change, delete or prevent Myhuntbook S.L. from making use of the data. You may request access to your information by filling in the contact forms. All Users doing so must carefully identify themselves with their personal details.

You may cancel your Profiles at any time by going to Profile - "Edit Profile". There is a "Delete Profile" at the top, with a warning. You may also reject certain uses of your data, in particular its use for advertising purposes.

  1. Links to other web sites

This privacy policy does not apply to external web sites and Myhuntbook S.L. accepts no liability for privacy policies adopted by these web sites. By including links to other web sites, Myhuntbook S.L. does not recommend that you use such sites and it offers no guarantees with regard to their content or the services and products offered and sold on those sites.